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HTML Buttons

With a little bit of HTML experience, you can generate HTML button code for your website.  If clicked, the button will “attach” your customers to a specific payment stream, then collect their contact and payment information without your help, time, or attention.

  1. To copy the HTML code to you website: Click on the “Checkout” tab and then “Edit”.
  2. Go to the Payment stream you wish to create a button for on your website.
  3. Then click on the blue “Edit this Stream” icon.
  4. Then in the expanded window for that stream, click on the blue “View HTML” button.

This will display the HTML code for this button.  You can copy this code and have your HTML person create a button on your website using this code that will direct you customer to sign up for this specific payment stream.

You can edit the color of the button and the font color. When you copy the HTML code, find the “background:#3FA9E2;color:#ffffff” section and change ‘3FA9E2’ and ‘ffffff’ to your desired Hex Color Code.